It has been months since last i blogged. as lots of things i hav to face n solve, using my own methods. i feel so stressed. my life was at messed. no ones hears my shout in e heart. i was totally lost. my mind was being strike with a sharp arrow n its totally shut down.(= nothings cn be undone. just scars behind e wounds. cant be heal or back into one piece. just cracks den cud be seen.
how much i struggle or how much i suffer no one cares. life is beautiful, pure and peace but its just e situation that make it complicated and hard core. everything is all about money now. MONEYMONEYMONEY.! no money cant survive. even love. love without money just nothing. this 2010. not in e 60s or 70s wher ther no money but ther love. love is eveything. love cnt be buy or exchange with cents. yes its true. but no money now no love. wen thers no love no peace wen thers no peace wars being and wen thers WAR, the world is coming to an end wher all ruin n destory,
world can never be fair. my life is one of them. i sacrifice for one but zero in return. i dont expect things in return. but just a lil bit of appreciation is enuf to make me smile n joy. but people are just selfish. think just highly fer themselves dint even spare a thought fer me here struggling and shaking to get out of e mess. they left me here just life a broken wood. that cudent be use anymore, just so USELESS.)= just HOPELESS.........
of all the sorrows at e above, i put it aside n think on e positive side. i left all those fugly life of mine n open a new pure white chapter of book which contains full of love n colours. i pampered myself. drew a pic of my future ahead in my dreams n reality. i goes around just all rounder that just cud me make stand back on my own feet. and now....... im bck as e one that i knew myself before. leave e past. buried it deeply in. n start over a new leaf. as everyones deserve to a chance to leave n a world of peacefullness..
lastly, its never too late to get it done.